Khronos发布OpenGL 4.2标准
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距离上次OpenGL 4.1的发布已经过去一年时间,今日在温哥华举行的SIGGRAPH 2011大会上Khronos发布了新的OpenGL 4.2标准细节,对于支持现有硬件的API加入了部分新的支持特性。和OpenGL 4.1一样,OpenGL 4.2主要应用于DX11级别硬件如NVIDIA GeForce 400/500,Radeon HD 5000/6000系列显卡,不过NVIDIA的开发者社区之前曾经表示部分特性可通过扩展功能在最老支持OpenGL2/DX9级别的硬件上实现。
OpenGL 4.2新加入的特性支持如下,也可以参考官方新闻稿:
-Enabling shaders with atomic counters and load/store/atomic read-modify-write operations to a single level of a texture. These capabilities can be combined, for example, to maintain a counter at each pixel in a buffer object for single-rendering-pass order-independent transparency;
-Capturing GPU-tessellated geometry and drawing multiple instances of the result of a transform feedback to enable complex objects to be efficiently repositioned and replicated;
-Modifying an arbitrary subset of a compressed texture, without having to re-download the whole texture to the GPU for significant performance improvements;
-Packing multiple 8 and 16 bit values into a single 32-bit value for efficient shader processing with significantly reduced memory storage and bandwidth, especially useful when transferring data between shader stages.
同时NVIDIA也随之放出了首款面向开发者的OpenGL 4.2 Windows/Linux驱动,支持Quadro Plex 700/7000/6000/5000/4000/2000/600以及GeForce 500/400全系列显卡。AMD的Beta版驱动预计也将在稍后发布。